Why does a seasoned marketer consider an email marketing automation tool perfect for lead generation?

Email is the most popular channel to engage with your audience. Seasoned marketers are aware of email marketing’s importance among all channels. If you are using email as one of the mediums for marketing, now is the time to move to marketing automation software. The reason I am saying to move to marketing automation software is that this is a powerful tool. This software is built for lead generation.

I am listing down fundamental reasons why a marketer should use email marketing automation software.


Customer Journey

Email marketing software allows you to send mail. You know about your recipient engagement with emails. But with an email sent through automated software, you can track the customer journey. Customer journey tells you more about the engagement of end-user with your business. It helps you in building a custom message for the user. Customized messages are more engaging than regular mails. They directly hit the purchasing chord of the customer. Cart abandonment emails are one example of tracking customer journey.

Remarketing (Replenish/Reactivation mail)

Research shows that the percentage of a lead converting into sales is meager. There are many reasons behind it. One of the primary reasons is that we fail to give the right information at the right time to prospects. You can deliver information regarding your product in the prospect’s inbox with the help of this software. Content plays a vital role in nurturing the lead.

Lead Nurturing

Email marketing is one of the best mediums for engaging your inactive customers. Marketers have been using email marketing for this purpose for a long time. With the help of automated email software, you can create a condition that if any user is inactive for this long, send them a mail. I am using the term replenish because many products we buy after a gap of a month or periodically. Online retailers can make most of marketing automation software.

There are many more thing which can be done with email automation software like multi-step welcome series email for new subscribers, follow up mail and simple autoresponders.

Marketers looking for drip marketing with marketing automation software can get in touch with me.

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